CloudStack Monitoring

Skip Prerequisites, Web and LPAR2RRD tabs in case of configuring Virtual Appliance, Docker or a Container

Follow installation procedure for your operating system platform
Implementation is agentless, all data is gathered from CloudStack API.

Create a lpar2rrd user with read-only admin role

Cloudstack performance monitoring

Cloudstack performance monitoring

Configure CloudStack in LPAR2RRD

  • LPAR2RRD UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Apache CloudStack ➡ New
    Cloudstack configuration

  • Make sure cron job for CloudStack is in place (upgrade script might do it for you automatically)
    Skip this step if you install the Virtual Appliance - it is already taken care of.
    $ crontab -l | grep ""
    Add following lines to crontab if necessary
    $ crontab -e
    # Apache CloudStack support
    0,20,40 * * * *  /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/ > /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load_cloudstack.out 2>&1
  • Wait 30 minutes and then go to the web UI: http://<your web server>/lpar2rrd/
    Use Ctrl-F5 to refresh the web browser cache.

Install LPAR2RRD server (all under lpar2rrd user)

  • Download the latest LPAR2RRD server
    Upgrade your already running LPAR2RRD instance.

  • Install it:
    # su - lpar2rrd
    $ tar xvf lpar2rrd-7.XX.tar
    $ cd lpar2rrd-7.XX
    $ ./
    $ cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
  • Make sure all Perl modules are in place
    cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
    . etc/lpar2rrd.cfg; $PERL bin/
    If there is missing "LWP::Protocol::https" then check this docu to fix it

  • Enable Apache authorisation
    umask 022
    cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
    cp html/.htaccess www
    cp html/.htaccess lpar2rrd-cgi
  • Schedule to run it from lpar2rrd crontab (it might already exist there)
    $ crontab -l | grep
    Add if it does not exist as above
    $ crontab -e
    0,30 * * * * /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/ > /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load.out 2>&1 
    Assure there is just one such entry in crontab.

  • You might need to add lpar2rrd user into /etc/cron.allow (Linux) or /var/adm/cron/cron.allow (AIX) if 'crontab -e' command fails
    Allow it for lpar2rrd user as root user.
    # echo "lpar2rrd" >> /etc/cron.allow
  • Assure you have a cron job for AWS is in place (upgrade script might do it automatically) Skip it on the Virtual Appliance, it is already there.
    $ crontab -l | grep ""
    Add it if it does not exist like above
    $ crontab -e
    # AWS support
    0,20,40 * * * *  /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/ > /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load_aws.out 2>&1 
  • Initial start from cmd line:
    $ cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
    $ ./
  • Go to the web UI: http://<your web server>/lpar2rrd/
    Use Ctrl-F5 to refresh the web browser cache.


  • If you have any problems with the UI then check:
    (note that the path to Apache logs might be different, search apache logs in /var)
    tail /var/log/httpd/error_log             # Apache error log
    tail /var/log/httpd/access_log            # Apache access log
    tail /var/tmp/lpar2rrd-realt-error.log    # STOR2RRD CGI-BIN log
    tail /var/tmp/systemd-private*/tmp/lpar2rrd-realt-error.log # STOR2RRD CGI-BIN log when Linux has enabled private temp
  • Test of CGI-BIN setup
    umask 022
    cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/
    cp bin/ lpar2rrd-cgi/
    go to the web browser: http://<your web server>/lpar2rrd/test.html
    You should see your Apache, LPAR2RRD, and Operating System variables, if not, then check Apache logs for connected errors