It will bring these new features and enhancements:
Internal user management.
You are be able to create users and groups in the tool and assign them rights based on ACL rules.
(visibility of HMC/Servers/LPARs/clusters/VMs).
IBM Power Systems
Configuration UI
Alerting based on OS agent performance data (memory utilization, paging, LAN, SAN, SAN IOPS, SAN response time)
SNMP trap
OS agent data: new LAN packets metric
TOP10 page is enhanced about TOP10 tables per IOPS, LAN [MB/sec] and SAN [MB/sec]
Much faster data read from vCenters as real time data is used only
No need to set up historical counter levels, all required data is available without any VMware counter changes
Newly collected and presented metrics
CPU ready: per VM and aggregated graph per cluster
Datastore IO latency
Resource Configuration Advisor: it runs once a day, analyzes collected data and highlights problems in the environments
Custom groups enhanced about additional metrics (Memory, LAN, SAN)
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