New major version
4.60 coming mainly with:
UI enhancements
Support for new POWER8 high-end models in CPU Workload Estimator
NMON online grapher
New main configuration summary page
UI enhancements
Graph zooming feature
Back button functionality is implemented
Dashboard flat style
Many additional smaller graphical and functional enhancements
POWER8 support in CPU Workload Estimator (there are listed all new POWER8 based models)
NMON online grapher: it is the same application as on nmon.lpar2rrd.com, you can use it locally now
You can find it in the main menu
Big changes on the back-end, processing is much faster now
New main configuration summary page
Resource summary of all servers and LPARs in one table
The table is sort able per names and allocated resources
RedHat KVM, QEMU and Xen support is already under development
VMware support
New alerting
UI based configuration
many new alerting options
OS agent data used for alerting
Active Directory integration will come soon (authentication & resource authorization)
You can see all new features on the
live demo site.
enterprise edition for customers under support containing further
benefits will be released on the 13th Nov 2014.
Migration to POWER8 article to get prepared for migration to POWER8.
feature matrix.
Storage performance monitoring project
STOR2RRD has been significantly improved.
1.00 has been released just last week.
VAR program has joined additional
partners in past few months.

current free version
4.60 (it is platform independent).
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